How To Iron Curtains? Know 3 Fabulous Ways!

how to iron curtains

If you are like me, you must be in love with ironing any of your personal or home fabrics. I cannot go out without ironing my dress! Ironing the regular dress, home decorative fabrics, curtains, bed sheets, and pillow covers -is a day-to-day habit of mine!

However, How to iron curtains is a sort of newbie question. The fact is, even many old couple often asks us, how to do this! The ironing of the curtains most often depends on the curtain fabric type. Therefore, it is not any strange matter to come to this question even from the old user

However, why do we need to iron the curtains, it is not so mandatory! Rather let’s see how to do this easily and efficiently-!

Why Do We Need To Iron The Curtains?

Many people think, as curtain a thick fabrics-so these don’t need to be ironed! But it is not true! Curtains also need to be ironed. This is because ironing curtains serve both functional and aesthetic purposes. 

Ironing helps to remove wrinkles and creases that may have formed during washing or storage. This ensures that the curtains hang smoothly. Also, you can enjoy an elegant drape hanging, allowing optimal coverage for your windows. 

Aesthetically, well-ironed curtains enhance the overall appearance of a room. Also, ironed curtains give your room a more polished and refined look. Wrinkle-free curtains contribute to a neat and organized decoration and create a positive impression on visitors. 

Additionally, ironing can help to revive the fabric’s shape, restoring its natural look and texture. 

how to iron curtains

How To Iron Curtains?

The wrinkle is the main reason why we iron the curtains. Banishing wrinkles from your drapes or curtains is a small household task you can easily do. Before you start with the hot iron, let’s try some non-electric remedies to remove the wrinkles from the curtains-

Begin by hanging the curtains and ensuring they have ample space to breathe. If they are machine washable, a gentle wash and spin cycle can help kickstart the wrinkle-removal process. 

For non-washable fabrics, a fabric steamer or a good old-fashioned iron can work wonders. With a fabric steamer, gently glide the nozzle over the curtains, allowing the hot steam to relax and smooth out the wrinkles. 

If you do not have any option without using an iron, adjust it to the appropriate setting. Obviously, focus on the temperature setting. At first, try to put a lower temperature, or you can follow the user care guidelines provided with the curtains. However, run it over the fabric, paying extra attention to any stubborn creases. 

For a quick fix, a spray bottle filled with water can be spritzed onto the curtains. It will ensure a gentle finishing of the curtain fabrics. 

In no time, your curtains will be transformed, free from wrinkles, and ready to grace your windows with flawless elegance.

Washing Machine & Dryer To Iron The Curtains

When it comes to a quick and efficient way to handle stubborn curtain wrinkles, why not enlist the help of your own? Yes, I am talking about your trusty washing machine and dryer. Begin by placing the curtains in the washing machine on a gentle cycle. This easy way not only cleans them but also initiates the process of smoothing out the creases. 

Once the washing is complete, transfer the damp curtains directly to the dryer. Toss in a couple of clean tennis balls or dryer balls (it is my technique!) to aid in the fluffing process. Set the dryer to a low heat setting to prevent any damage to delicate fabrics. As the curtains become dry here, the combination of heat and motion helps to eliminate wrinkles.

In this way, you can get all beautifully pressed drapes without the hassle of traditional ironing. It’s a time-saving solution that ensures your curtains come out looking crisp. 

Dryer to iron the curtains

The power of a dryer is a game-changing effort for anybody! Especially in household work, the consumption of power can save your time, energy, and sometimes money, too! However, when it comes to making your curtains wrinkle-free, using a dryer could be an excellent means, ultimately! 

So, after washing your curtains, skip the ironing board. Choose the dryer for a wrinkle-busting finish. Carefully place your slightly damp curtains into the dryer. Try to avoid any overcrowding in the space to allow optimal airflow. 

Add a clean, wet washcloth or a couple of ice cubes to enhance the steam effect. Set the dryer to a low heat or air-dry setting, and let it work magic. As the warm air circulates and the dampness evaporates, the curtains gently relax and straighten. Ultimately, this whole drying process gives you a flawless pressed window treatment. This method not only saves time but also ensures that your curtains maintain their fabric quality. 

So, say goodbye to the hassle of wrestling with iron. Explore the simplicity of a dryer’s touch for wrinkle-free curtains.

Using An Iron to Iron The Curtains

how to iron curtains at home

You will never believe that a trusty iron and an ironing board can work wonders on curtains. After carefully washing and drying your curtains, set up your ironing board. Adjust the iron to the appropriate fabric setting. Gently lay the curtains across the board, ensuring they are free from any folds or bunching. 

With a smooth, deliberate motion, glide the iron over the fabric, starting from the top to down. The heat and pressure originate in such a way, as to coax out any lingering wrinkles. 

Finally, your curtains become crisp and perfectly pressed. It’s a hands-on method that harks back to the precise impacts of ironing.


What’s the best way to iron curtains?

To iron curtains effectively, hang them and use a fabric steamer or iron on the appropriate setting. Glide the tool from top to bottom, applying consistent pressure. Alternatively, toss slightly damp curtains in the dryer on low heat. These methods ensure wrinkle-free, polished curtains without the hassle of traditional ironing.

How do you get wrinkles out of curtains?

Lots of ways are there to remove wrinkles from curtains. I especially like to use the dryer to get them out! However, using a washing machine(if the curtains are machine washable) is also the best way to at a time clean the curtains, also to remove the wrinkles.

Is it better to steam or iron curtains?

Both steaming and ironing curtains are effective. The choice depends on the fabric type. Steamers are gentler, ideal for delicate fabrics, and offer convenience. Irons provide precise control, suitable for heavier materials. You can go with any method, depending on your curtain’s needs. General instruction is, gentle steaming is for sheers, and ironing is for heavier drapes.

Which side of the curtains do you iron?

Iron the reverse side of curtains to prevent direct heat exposure on the decorative side, preserving colors and patterns. If unsure, conduct a small test on an inconspicuous area. This precaution ensures your curtains get the benefits of ironing without doing damage to their quality.

Final Verdict:

So, while ironing curtains may seem like a small detail in household chores, it plays a significant role in maintaining the functionality and visual appeal of your living space. As you now know how to iron curtains, it’s a few minutes away for you to enjoy very solid, natural, and wrinkle-free curtains onto your window canvas!

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