How to Hang Blackout Curtains? Know How to Darken Your Space!

how to hang blackout curtains

Blackout curtains are one of the important privacy savers and light controller curtains for our bedroom, home theater, or any other controlled area. The crucial fact about these curtains is their hanging process. If you do not know how to hang blackout curtains, surely all your efforts to make your room darken will go in vain!

In today’s session, we will elaborate in detail on the hanging process of blackout curtains. Also, we will try a bit to include the advantage of such window covering.

So, let’s start the main session-

What Are Blackout Curtains? 

In simple words, black-out curtains are to block the light. They typically have a special lining or are made of a dense, light-blocking fabric to provide maximum light reduction. However, if you follow our site – you will get a details idea about all curtains and the hanging process of those!

So, the primary purpose of blackout curtains is to create a dark and private environment. Whether for the bedroom or for any controlled area-hese, curtains can meet any special meet for the users. Like you need a controlled light, well, these curtains can do it. You need a private space-obviously the curtain will do that for you!

If you need a controlled light, well these curtains can do it. You need a private space-obviously the curtain will do that for you! Also, you can use these curtains for your general room as well!

how to hang blackout curtains
How to Hang Blackout Curtains

How Can I Make The Black-out Curtains?

It’s not a tough matter to make the black-out curtains. However, you also can purchase the ready-mate blackout drapes from the market as well. If you’re interested in making your own blackout curtains, here’s a simple guide:

  1. Choose a heavy, tightly woven fabric that will effectively block light. Dark colors often work best.
  2. The second step is to make the Blackout Fabric Liner. Purchase a blackout fabric liner to attach to the back of your curtains. This is the key component that provides light-blocking properties.
  3. Select a sturdy curtain rod and the necessary hardware for hanging your curtains. You can choose any decorative rod, such as silver, ronze, or golden rod to make a complementary pair with the black out curtain.
  4. Choose whether to use the Sewing Machine or Fabric Glue. You can either sew the curtains or use fabric glue for a no-sew option. Do not forget to take all Measuring Tape, Scissors, and Pins. These tools will help you measure and cut the fabric accurately.
  5. Once you have done all your preliminary work start to measure and cut the fabrics. Measure your window and add a few extra inches for seam allowance. Cut the main curtain fabric to the desired size. Cut the blackout fabric liner to the same size as your main curtain fabric.
  6. Now place the blackout liner on the backside of the main fabric, along with the edges. Pin the two layers together. Sew along the edges, leaving the top (where the curtain rod goes) open. If you’re using fabric glue, apply it along the edges and press the layers together.
  7. Now fold over the top of the curtain to create a pocket for the curtain rod. Sew along the edge or use fabric glue to secure it. If you’re using rings or hooks, attach them to the top of the curtain. Once you have done all these steps, install the curtain rod and hang your new blackout curtains.

However, it’s a DIY process that allows you to customize the curtains to your taste! It also can save costs compared to ready-made blackout curtains. Just ensure that the blackout liner is securely attached. For which you will get a maximum light-blocking impact.

how to hang blackout curtains
How to Hang Blackout Curtains

How To Hang Blackout Curtains:

We have come to the main point that we are discussing, actually! Some people cannot sleep well if there is no light in the room. Also, they might want to make their room more dark and more private. For such people, hanging blackout curtains is a great way to enhance their sleep quality. Though curtain hanging is more or less the same for all types, the basic is same-but for light blocking, its needs little bit to be special.

However, here’s a simple guide for you:

Measure Your Window:

All windows are not same. If you dont measure the windows precisely, you cannot block the light properly. Start by measuring the width and length of your window to determine the size of curtains you need.

Choose the Right Curtains:

After all, you cannot take the lightweight sheer to make the black-out curtains. Select blackout curtains that match your measurements. Make sure they are wide enough to cover the entire window and long enough to reach the floor.

Gather All The Tools:

You’ll need a curtain rod, brackets, a level, a pencil, a drill, and screws. Do not forget to take the main item. It is the curtain. One more thing needs to be clarified, especially for the blackout curtains people usually do not usage any ornamental decoration. So it is better if you too avoid such decoration.

Install the Curtain Rod:

how to measure for blackout curtains

Use a level to mark a straight line where you want to install the curtain rod. This ensures that your curtains hang evenly. Install the brackets on the marked line. Use a drill and screws to do that. Place the curtain rod on the brackets.

Finally, Hang The Curtains:

Now, we have come to the final step, where we will hang the curtains. Most blackout curtains have grommets or tabs for easy hanging. Simply thread the curtains onto the rod through these openings. If your curtains have hooks or rings, attach them accordingly. Arrange the curtains evenly on the rod. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure they hang straight and cover the entire window. Style the curtains as desired, whether you want them to pool on the floor or have a clean, crisp look.

Test the Blackout Effect:

Why am I adding this additional step? This is due to, you have to ensure yes there is no leakage on your window covering. S, close the curtains and check for any gaps or light leakage. Adjust as needed to maximize the blackout effect.

Why & When Do I Need The blackout Curtains? 

Blackout curtains serve a variety of purposes and can be beneficial in different situations. Here are some common reasons why and when you might need blackout curtains:

Blocking out external light can create a darker and more conducive environment for sleep. This is especially important if you work night shifts or if you’re sensitive to light when sleeping. If you work irregular hours or night shifts, blackout curtains can help simulate nighttime conditions during the day, making it easier for you to sleep when needed. 

Some people are more sensitive to light, and even small amounts of ambient light can disrupt their sleep. Blackout curtains can provide a solution by eliminating or minimizing light infiltration.

If you have a home theater or media room, blackout curtains can enhance the viewing experience by eliminating glare and creating a more immersive atmosphere. They help to regulate room temperature, keeping it cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Which can reduce the need for excessive heating or cooling.

Blackout curtains offer more privacy, especially in urban environments where buildings are close together. They prevent people from seeing into your living space from outside. 

If you need to take a nap during the day or simply want to rest in a darkened room, blackout curtains can create a more comfortable environment.

If there is any person suffering from migraines or headaches. May find relief in a darkened room. Blackout curtains can reduce light and thus can help to relieve the headache as well.

How To Hang Blackout Curtains Without Drilling

how to hang blackout curtainsTo hang blackout curtains without drilling, use alternative methods like tension rods or adhesive hooks. Tension rods are adjustable and can be placed within the window frame. Also, these rods provide a secure fit without the need for screws. 

Adhesive hooks (with heavy-duty adhesive backing) can attach to the wall or window frame to support the curtain rod. Ensure that the hooks are designed to bear the weight of the curtains. 

So, all these methods eliminate the need for drilling. One more thing I want to say, it’s crucial to test the stability of your hanging method, especially when you’re not using the drill. Also, make adjustments to ensure your blackout curtains hang securely to darken your space.


That’s it! That is how we covered details on how to hang blackout curtains. As you have read the whole session, you become the master of hanging curtains. Now, you should have a few stylish blackout curtains to improve your sleep.

No more today; take care of yourself!

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